Saturday, February 27, 2010

How do I clear out the hardrive on my desktop computer?

I'm selling my PC to my friend, but I want to make sure that all the files and pictures I saved on it is completely gone. How do I do that?

Also, should I run a virus software on it first before I sell it?How do I clear out the hardrive on my desktop computer?
You can go to and download

PowMax4.23 to a floppy disc. Insert the floppy

disc into the pc and re-boot it. Follow the instructions and it will erase your entire hard drive.

Then you should be able to install Windows and then use your Recovery disc to bring back what you had before you lost it.

WARNING: This will erase everything on your hard drive!! But, it will reformat it and you will be able to install Windows and then use your Recovery disc.

Good Luck,

EDHow do I clear out the hardrive on my desktop computer?
If you have a backup copy of your operating system. The best bet would be to reformat the hard drive. This would destroy all information on the hard drive. You must re-install the operating syatem after reformating the drive. This is the only sure fire way to delete files.
If you have material on your computer which might get you into any legal trouble then I suggest that you don't sell it at all; better safe than sorry.

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