Sunday, February 21, 2010

What determines how clear sound from a computer or game system is?

Besides the speakers, what determines the clarity of sound from either a game system or computer?What determines how clear sound from a computer or game system is?
1. Make and Quality of the sound card.

2. Equalizer and volume level settings.

3. Quality of the cable running from the computer output to the speaker/headphones (properly shielded stereo wires).

Also make sure that your audio cable is running next to equipments which creates electric/magnetic intereference.

Computers now a days comes with digital outputs like S/PDIF HDMI etc... which can be used with compatible sound systems (with S/PDIF, HDMI inputs). These systems ensure a much better clearer and crispier sound.What determines how clear sound from a computer or game system is?
The quality of the soundcard is the key and then the speakers or the headphones (whichever you use to listen).

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