What operating system are you on???(If It Is Windows) get that disk that your PC should have come with (or you could buy one) and insert in the CD drive....when your computer is starting up on the black screens with white writing press F8 and it will take you to a boot menu.....select your CDROM drive and it will start a windows setup and you just follow the onscreen instructions and your good to go!!! Dont forget to backup important documents and stuff onto a hard drive or memory stick before doing this. You will also lose all programmes(this includes any viruses or spyware) and will restore your computer as if it is brand new!!! Hope The helps,
KAVHow do i reformat my computer to completely clear the memory and start fresh?
Because you don't sound too confident, I will give you some extra details.
Memory is what they call RAM, it is on one or two stickshape chips inside the computer. Everything in this memory is wiped out every time you switch off the machine.
Your programs, data, letters, videos, pictures, games etc are on the HARD DRIVE. This information stays on all the time, unless you reformat. Reformatting will truly get rid of everything forever.
This means you will have to install the programs all over again. This includes browsers, video viewers, games, Office programs, drivers to work your graphics card and printer, everything.
So first make sure you have usable copies of everything you will want again, on CD.
Any files of your own stuff you want to keep, put them on a USB pen drive OR burn them to CDs.
Then start up and insert the Windows disk, it will offer you choices, including reformatting and starting again.
If you only want to do this because of problems with your computer, you are better off doing good virus scans on it, clearing out only useless things you don't want, and just putting in the Windows as a new installation ON TOP OF the old one. If this is the situation, write another question with some details of what the problems were, and someone here will happily talk you through how to fix them.How do i reformat my computer to completely clear the memory and start fresh?
Insert your Xp or Vista disc and restart your computer. when your computer promts you to ';boot from CD'; hit anykey.
ok follow the installation and when it asks you which drive to install on, you can reformat all your hard drives there then continue to install afresh.
you can also (in vista) run the ';diskmgmt.msc'; utility and reformat there, although you cannot reformat the C: drive.
To format the System, place the OS CD in CD-ROM and it must be bootable. Restart your computer and press DEL you will enter into CMOS settings in the boot sequence take the first boot device as CD-ROM and second as Hard disk and save settings and quit it will start setup in your computer and it will inform you that there is operating system and you have to format to install. then format and install again.
This is a very easy process. It does very though depending on what operating system you have. I will list Vista's, XP's, and Ubuntu's.
1. Insert CD while running.
2. Shut down computer.
3. Turn on computer. (if it doesn't boot from the CD then go to the BIOS and change the boot sequence to boot from the CD first.)
4. Follow the on-screen instructions.
5. When it gets to the screen where it asks you if you want to install or repair, click install.
6. Follow the on-screen instructions.
1. Repeat steps 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 as said with vista.
1. Get a LiveCD off of their website.
2. Put it in.
3. Turn off computer.
4. Turn it back on.
5. Wait for CD to boot. (If it doesn't, do what I said in step 3 from vista.)
6. Follow the on-screen instructions.
I wouldn't format your computer if i were you. unless you know what your doing but from the sounds of it you don't know what your doing. But if you do decide to do it, make sure you have all the Cd's to reinstall your computer. Hmm.. if I were you I would just do a system restore back to the day you got it!
It will do the job. if you don't know how to do this then go to your control panel click on performance and maintenance and on the top left corner you will see a system restore button, click it and select a date that you wanna restore your computer to.
If you wanna format your computer I suggest that you take it to someone that knows what there doing.
I hope i help some...
good luck to you
oh and if you do wanna format your computer here is a website
do it with xp or vista cd
As other guys told you l and if you know your hardisk type get its DISKMANAGER format it form it
it clean your entire disk
** 1:- warning it will format all drives on disk .ie compleate factory format**
**2:- Warning do it with your disk type manager like for example if you have sygate then format it with sygate disk manager not with samsung or your disk get corrupted**
you can reload your operating system...that should clear everything. Thats the quickest way! Good luck.
Here is the link with instructions on how to reformat your PC:
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