Sunday, February 21, 2010

How do i clear my computer to get a virus out of it?

my computer keeps freezing half way during a download and i think theres a virus on one of my programs so i want to delete everything what do i do?How do i clear my computer to get a virus out of it?
Down load Norton or you can Do a system restore at your start up hit f10. Pr you cab try to back date your computr to an earlier time.

GOOD LUCK !How do i clear my computer to get a virus out of it?
This is what i would try before removing any programs. You need to delete all the cookie and temporary internet file on your computer. If you haven't done this in awhile or haven't done this at all your computer will lag bad.

so need to go the control panel and go the internet options click on delete cookies and after the hour glass stops turning click on delete files. it will give you the option of deleting all offline content, click the lil white box and then click ok.

Now restart your computer and try downloading again. I believe this will fix your computers lagging problem
if there's a virus, u'll need PC-Cillin, i recommended, also 4 spy ware i suggest u use spy sweeper!!! but n ur case u'll need Widows Washer!!!

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