Sunday, February 21, 2010

How do i clear the computer in a 98 Ford F150 already tried disconnecting the battery?

Disconnecting the battery is not going to clear the code. It will only reset the computer. If it was not fixed it will be back on before you know it. Fix the problem if you already didn't. Take it to Auto Zone they will do it for free. If all else fails take it to a dealer there may be a extensive proble that needs diagnosticks through a machine. This will cost money. About $70How do i clear the computer in a 98 Ford F150 already tried disconnecting the battery?
Some error codes remain in the computer even if they're reset with a code reader or scanner. It may take several weeks of normal driving before the codes finally reset themselves and clear the computer memory. During that time you will still fail an emissions test that reads out your error codes even though the problem is fixed and the check engine light is off.鈥?/a>鈥?/a>
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